
1. Go to BoomerangFX

2. To access Grow, click on the icon shown below in the left bar menu

To access Grow, click on the icon shown below in the left bar menu

3. Under Grow are three sections that users will have access to

The Assets section serves as an approval process. It allows users to access the creative documents and initiatives, then prompting them to comment and approve, suggest changes, or disapprove the asset.

Under Grow are three sections that users will have access to

4. In the Assets page, users are able to click on the Asset Titles as well as download the assets from this table directly

  • The Category column will include a label of what the asset is

  • The status indicates whether the asset is pending for approval, approved or rejected

  • The Approver column will indicate which user the asset is assigned to

In the Assets page, users are able to click on the Asset Titles as well as download the assets from this table directly

5. The user will click on the Title to view the asset

The user will click on the Title to view the asset

6. As shown below, there are no options to select or change any data because this asset has already been approved

As shown below, there are no options to select or change any data because this asset has already been approved

7. To go back to Assets, click on the link labeled "Assets" as shown below

To go back to Assets, click on the link labeled "Assets" as shown below

8. Another example is shown of an asset that is pending for approval

Another example is shown of an asset that is pending for approval

9. The user will have to mention comments in order to proceed with an action

The user will have to mention comments in order to proceed with an action

10. After entering the comment, click on the send icon shown below

After entering the comment, click on the send icon shown below

11. The buttons will be enabled for the user to choose the action they prefer

The buttons will be enabled for the user to choose the action they prefer

12. For the purpose of this workflow, the Approve button will be selected

For the purpose of this workflow, the Approve button will be selected

13. A green dropdown will appear for confirmation

A green dropdown will appear for confirmation

14. To access the Grow dashboard, click on Grow

To access the Grow dashboard, click on Grow

15. Click on Dashboard

Click on Dashboard

16. The Marketing Dashboard is a fully integrated reporting tool meant to help medspas view and track their growth

With Grow, lead generation is enhanced with landing pages, digital ads, and customized strategies.

The Marketing Dashboard is a fully integrated reporting tool meant to help medspas view and track their growth

17. The following metrics provide insight on the lead management process

The following metrics provide insight on the lead management process

18. This is a representation of the Active Grow Campaigns that your medspa is currently subscribed to

This is a representation of the Active Grow Campaigns that your medspa is currently subscribed to

19. The Campaign Trends show Revenue vs Ad Spend

The Campaign Trends show Revenue vs Ad Spend

20. The Platform Performance is a representation of the different platforms through which leads are flowing

The Platform Performance is a representation of the different platforms through which leads are flowing

21. Email Marketing

This section visually represents the customer journey from initial contact to retention helping track progress, while specific emails are sent to customers at each stage of their journey to enhance their experience and increase the likelihood of conversion and retention.

Email Marketing

22. To access your Grow Profile, click on Grow then on ProfileTo access your Grow Profile, click on Grow then on Profile

23. Under Profile, you will be prompted to fill a form to specify your objectives and branding guidelines, providing the necessary information for our team to create designs that align with your vision

24. Once the form is completed, the user will click on Submit

The user may also Cancel.

Once the form is completed, the user will click on Submit