Price List

2.To access the price list, the user will click on Quick Access on the left bar menu...

To access the price list, the user will click on Quick Access on the left bar menu...

3. Then on Price List Then on Price List

4. This is the page the user will land on

The price list will display 2 sections: products and procedures.

This is the page the user will land on

5. This indicates the number of records found under products This indicates the number of records found under products

6. The user is able to search through the products price list The user is able to search through the products price list

7. The search bar allows for a filtered and efficient search The search bar allows for a filtered and efficient search

8. The use may choose to display 10, 20, or 30 rows in the price list table The use may choose to display 10, 20, or 30 rows in the price list table

9. The user is also able to navigate through the different pages by clicking on the back and forth buttons The user is also able to navigate through the different pages by clicking on the back and forth buttons

10. By clicking on the download button, the user is able to download the products price list By clicking on the download button, the user is able to download the products price list

11. To view the procedures price list, the user will click on the procedures tab To view the procedures price list, the user will click on the procedures tab

12. The functionality is the same for both price lists

The user may search, download, navigate through the pages, and choose how many records appear in the procedures price list

The functionality is the same for both price lists

13. Finally, the user may choose to edit the price lists by clicking on the record Finally, the user may choose to edit the price lists by clicking on the record