
This workflow will cover setting up Telehealth for staff members and then booking a virtual appointment

3. Choose Staff Members from the dropdown Choose Staff Members from the dropdown

4. Click on the staff member record you would like to enable GoToMeeting for Click on the staff member record you would like to enable GoToMeeting for

5. Click on the edit icon on the top right Click on the edit icon on the top right

6. Scroll down and check Enable GoTo Meeting Scroll down and check Enable GoTo Meeting

7. Click on Save Changes

This will trigger GoTo to send an email to the staff member to create a GoTo account.

Click on Save Changes

8. Go to Mail - Staff Member - Outlook

The Staff Member in this example is Aaliyah Jackson.

9. Click on the email from GoTo Click on the email from GoTo

10. This is what the email will look like This is what the email will look like

11. Click on Get started Click on Get started

12. You will be redirected to create your account

13. You will be prompted to create a new password You will be prompted to create a new password

14. Once completed, click on continue Once completed, click on continue

15. This is your GoTo main page This is your GoTo main page

16. Go back to BoomerangFX

17. Click on Setup Click on Setup

18. Click on GoToMeeting Management from the dropdown menu Click on GoToMeeting Management from the dropdown menu

19. You will find the staff member that has been registered with GoToMeeting in the list below. You will find the staff member that has been registered with GoToMeeting in the list below.

20. To book a virtual appointment with a patient, click on the Schedular on the left bar menu To book a virtual appointment with a patient, click on the Schedular on the left bar menu

21. Navigate to the desired date to book the virtual appointment by using this date bar at the top of the scheduler, then double click on the empty space to create an appointment Navigate to the desired date to book the virtual appointment by using this date bar at the top of the scheduler, then double click on the empty space to create an appointment

22. Select the patient's name Select the patient's name

23. Under appointment type, choose Virtual Visit

This is the most important step in booking a virtual appointment. It is the only way to trigger the system to send necessary emails and links for the GoToMeeting Appointment to the patient and the staff member.

Under appointment type, choose Virtual Visit

24. Select the Procedure Select the Procedure

25. Select the staff member

It is essential to keep in mind that only staff members who have enabled GoToMeeting and set up their account will receive links to attend the virtual meeting

Select the staff member

26. Click on Save Appointment Click on Save Appointment

27. This is the booked appointment

Hovering over it will show more details.


To continue with the steps as a staff member, go to Step 36.

To continue with the steps as a patient, proceed to Step 28.

This is the booked appointment

28. From the Patient's end: Go to Mail - Patient - Outlook

Patient is Tony Stark in this example

29. This is the appointment confirmation email

This only notifies the patient about the appointment, but does not include any details. There is a second email that will be sent containing details about the virtual appointment and the links.

This is the appointment confirmation email

30. The email that specifically mentions GoToMeeting and contains links may not appear in the patient's inbox right away

Always remind your patients to check their junk emails

The email that specifically mentions GoToMeeting and contains links may not appear in the patient's inbox right away

31. In this case, the email containing all details about the GoToMeeting appointment is found under Junk Email In this case, the email containing all details about the GoToMeeting appointment is found under Junk Email

32. This is what the email will look like for the patient This is what the email will look like for the patient

33. The patient will need to click on one of the following two links in order to join the GoToMeeting appointment The patient will need to click on one of the following two links in order to join the GoToMeeting appointment

34. The patient will be redirected to this page and is free to choose either one of those options

In this workflow, the Join in this browser option is chosen

The patient will be redirected to this page and is free to choose either one of those options

35. The patient will land on this page and may enter the session by clicking on Join when session starts at the bottom right

The patient is free to edit his/her preferences such as their name, audio and video. It is recommended to allow access to the microphone and camera.

The patient will land on this page and may enter the session by clicking on Join when session starts at the bottom right

36. From the Staff's end: To start the GoToMeeting session, RIGHT click on the appointment and click on Start Meeting From the Staff's end: To start the GoToMeeting session, RIGHT click on the appointment and click on Start Meeting

37. The staff member is free to choose either one of those options

In this workflow, the Join in this browser option is chosen

The staff member is free to choose either one of those options

38. The staff member will be redirected to the GoToMeeting website The staff member will be redirected to the GoToMeeting website

39. It is recommended that staff members sign in. The staff member's name will automatically be updated and the GoToMeeting account's schedule will also be updated.

Staff members have the option to save their email and password to stay signed in. If that is the case, the GoToMeeting will be automatically signed in to the specific staff member who was last signed in. One thing to consider is that multiple staff members may have GoToMeeting enabled in BoomerangFX. The staff who is currently using it should ensure that they are the ones signed in, and not their colleague.

It is recommended that staff members sign in. The staff member's name will automatically be updated and the GoToMeeting account's schedule will also be updated.

40. If the page is automatically signed into the wrong staff member, click on the name at the top right of the page and then on sign out, then sign in again with the correct staff member's account. If the page is automatically signed into the wrong staff member, click on the name at the top right of the page and then on sign out, then sign in again with the correct staff member's account.

41. After clicking on sign in, the staff member will be redirected to a Secure Sign In page

42. Enter email address, then click on next Enter email address, then click on next

43. Enter password, then click on Sign in

The little box on the bottom left is checked for Keep me signed in. This will keep the current user signed in for future GoToMeeting appointments.

Enter password, then click on Sign in

44. This updated page will appear upon logging in. To start the session, click on Start Session at the bottom right This updated page will appear upon logging in. To start the session, click on Start Session at the bottom right